Amazon Prime webAR postercampaign

Webbased Augmented Reality postercampaign

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Postercampaign Amazon Prime movie De Oost

Webbased Augmented Reality postercampaign

Beautiful web-based AR project by ArtiShock commissioned by Y Media Generation en The Searchers. A poster campaign to promote the new Dutch movie The East ran for 2 weeks in May 2021.

The posters have a QR code printed on them, if you scan the poster yopu can see the trailer of the film, just like that, on the street in front of you…

This is how the webAR poister campaign works:

The weBAR poster has been specially developed to experience a trailer of the film in Augmented Reality with your smartphone. An app is no longer necessary to experience Augmented Reality.

The webAR poster is developed in collaboration with:

Related information:

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