Emily vertelt...

Information and knowledge sharing through serious gaming

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Serious game development

Mobiele gameproduction “Emily vertelt…”

What if you, as a child or teenager, have some medical conditions that you don’t fully understand yourself or you find it hard to share this within your social circles? This mobile serious game is developed from this starting point.

Emily vertelt.. is an adventure game that also teaches the player about AIS (Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome), a genetic deviation and the personal experiences of Emily with AIS.

Emily’s experiences is no fiction

The real Emily tells in this app about her experiences with AIS. The letters AIS literally stand for Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. In difficult words, this means that the body is insensitive to androgens, or “male hormones”. This manifests itself in a number of physical characteristics, the meaning of the word syndrome. (Source: DSDNederland.nl).

Explain this in a simple way..

But how do you explain this to a child who has to deal with it, or to boyfriends and girlfriends or within the family? The real Emily has experienced that this is very important to do. Openness has ensured that the real Emily has learned to deal with AIS very well.


AOS is a condition that is not easy to understand. Nor to tell about it. With this game-concept you will discover new information in every “level” while you experience exciting adventures and dash through a hospital. It is intended for children and adolescents, but adults can learn just as much from it!

Purpose of this app

The aim of this game is to make information transfer easier for children and young people on medical topics and more accessible in relation to their social environment. This app is based on personal experiences of Emily.

The game-concept

The authenticity of Emily makes you realize that this is not just any fantasy game. In the same way as for AIS, other diseases or conditions can also be processed in such a game. If there are ideas from, for example, patient associations or insurance companies, we would like to hear from you. Please contact projects@artishock.com or call us at: 078-6314375.

School assignment: innovations in healthcare

The idea was presented in 2018 during the “Smart lectures” by four VWO 5 students from Develstein College in Zwijndrecht. The smart lectures were organized by the Municipality of Papendrecht for HAVO / VWO students in the Drechtsteden region.

The theme was “innovations in healthcare”. Several teams gave presentations at the Albert Schweizer Hospital in Dordrecht. A panel of experts has selected Emily’s team as the winner.

Smart City is een van de subsidievertstrekkers voor de ontwikkeling van Emily vertelt…

A short impression

Marielle Dekker, child pediatrician Albert Schweizer Hospital
Hoera! The winners take the stage
Emily and her team are the winner of it
Emily wordt geinterviewd
De karakters van de game, een kleine en een grote Emily
The real Emily, the instigator of Emily tells ...
The backdrop is the city of Dordrecht
After a level, put collected words in place
A moment from the game
Innovation manager Marcel Wildschut talks about smart lectures
Presenting about AR and new technologies
School students during Smart Lectures

Emily vertelt…

was made possible with the help of the following sponsors and parties. The app was designed, and produced by ArtiShock.

Download this free, fun and educational game!

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Let this serious game surprise you!

Download AR app
  1. Download the app “Emily vertelt…” from the Appstore (Apple);
  2. Follow the instructions in the app.
  3. Have fun!


More information

Do you want to know more about the game-concept for your patient association or company, or does the whay we share information appeal to you? 

Please contact us via: 078-6314375 or mail to projects@artishock.com