Interactive installation Marinersmuseum

Image manipulation Rotterdam 1940

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Interactive panorama Rotterdam

When you think of Rotterdam the Netherlands and the Second World War, you think of the German terror bombing of 14 May 1940. On that date the truce of the indomitable Dutch Marines was broken, and the Netherlands capitulated quickly.

Archive images and current locations

The interactive city viewer shows the visitor the photos from the past in recognizable places of the present. Sporadically, locations can be found that look back on Rotterdam shortly after the battle of the marines and the bombardment of 1940. This modern city viewer tells the story of Rotterdam and the May days of 1940 in combination with the streets of today.

A wonderfull adventure

This special experience has been created in collaboration with various specialists in the field of archival research and mariners history, concept developers, metal workers, welders, electronics specialists, design, photograpers, engineering, 3D designers, 3D printers, programmers, UX specialists, animators, financiers, employees of the Marine Museum, stage builders, graphic designers and so on.

For this special project, numerous 360 degree images have been brought together in a digital city viewer. A team of specialists worked on it for 6 months. Not only the hardware of the steel city viewer itself, but also all integrated electronic and digital equipment and composite archive images contribute to a new experience of Rotterdam today.

3D design by Davey Boy Hoek
Location wijnhaven bombardment Rotterdam
The Museum logo is nicely cut out in the steel frame
The team 360 degree photography with Marcel Massing en Xander Berkenhagen
Insurance building during occupation
Finetunening with Willem van Dam
After the console has been assembled and runs nicely, the electronics are tested again
Plan-c Hotel Weimar bombardment Rotterdam
The first sight of the steel console, cool!
Ivo is putting the finishing touches to the steel console
A little glimpse into the content we've created for the console
The research team on the rooftops of rotterdam
Laurens church bombardment Rotterdam
Hardware we developed ourselves
Cristian and Xander on top of the Erasmusgebuilding in Rotterdam

Check out the whole story:

Uitgebreide informatie over dit project
Virtual City Viewer developed for the Marinesmuseum Rotterdam is about their resistance in May 1940.
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